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Ninthe (Star)



Ninthe fan 'e Boerestreek (STAR)


                       Recently joining us, September 2019,  imported from Holland.
                       Ninthe will be a real asset to our team, we are very excited to see what the future brings for
                       her. Ninthe is trained in Dressage.

                       Sire : Tsjalle 454 stb Sport Preferent
                       Dam: Thirza F R Stb Star    
                       height: 170 cm

                      Ninthe is in foal to  Nane 492 and due to foal 19th of Janauary 2023




                     Ninthe has been handpicked by Louis for her bloodlines to compliment our team, her movement
                       is a delight to watch.
                       Ninthe is imported in foal, due to foal in May 2020,  this foal has been  (SOLD)
                       Ninthe was selected by our client to carry his foal  , we are looking forward to seeing the
                       result into the new year.




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Latest News.

Miss Pakiri of Glenrose Friesians. SOLD

We are back in Palmerston North laughing
After a short time up North, we are back in the Manawatu, where it all started.

Nequita of Glenrose Friesians SOLD

Ninthe in foal to Nane 492, due 19th January 2023

Latesha of Glenrose Friesians SOLD

Lorenzo of Glenrose Friesians has been SOLD

Tessa of Glenrose Friesians (star mare)  has been SOLD

Joel of Glenrose Friesians has been SOLD

The boys looking great

 We have a selection of  Quality Progeny for sale. 

Secure your frozen semen order now
Read through the "frozen semen page" info or contact Marianne 0276836840

February 2021
In December 2020 we have shifted to :
a new exciting location
See you in Pakiri

December 2020
Renske fan de Maria Louise Hoeve (star mare)
gave birth to a stunning Looking Filly
we named her Miss Pakiri of Glenrose Friesians
Her sire is:   Hessel 480                                         

October 2020
Tessa of Glenrose Friesians (Star mare)  foaled to Nane 492 on the 9th of October.
Its a FILLY, we have named her Nequita of Glenrose Friesians

Design your own Friesian/no Risk

Want to choose one of our mares to breed to?
Want to pick out of our selection of stallions?
Want to pay a depsoit and have no risk untill the foal is weaned?
contact us we can make it happen $0276836840


August 2020

It is with great pleasure we can  inform you that Floris has been sold to Ashleigh Rosewarn who will stand Floris at Stud, Please contact Ashleigh direct for any breeding enquiries. Great news for the members of the NZFHS Inc 

 July 2020
  13th/ 14th Glenrose Friesians clinic at NEC for members and social members of the NZFHS Inc

July 2020
Announcing the retirement of Jolmer fan Twillens

Jolmer has had a paddock injury, injuring his hind leg to such a point he will never do dressage again. Surgery at his point in life is not a option. So he is allowed to enjoy his well deserved retirement  from all duties.

Mei 2020, Ninthe gave Birth to GF Ace Secret Service, owned by Baldeep Dhillon

postponed due to Covid-19

April 25th 2020, NZFHS Inc  members informative day
April 26th 2020, NZFHS Inc  AGM

March 2020, mare Ymkje, here on behalve of Clients, had a beutifull colt


March 22nd  Renske v.d. Maria Louise Hoeve 60 days pregnant to  HESSEL 480 

February 2020, Louis competing on Ninthe,  Sarah competing Jolmer,  Baldeep competing Floris.

 Light the night ( Skye) of Glenrose Friesians (SOLD)

17/11/2019  Tessa of G.F. Scanned Pregnant to NANNE 492

Issabella of GF    SOLD
Kalani of GF        SOLD
Bente Golda        SOLD

02/11/2019 Filly born 9 am, Latesha of G.F.
Tessa of GF x Wimer461,  carried by recipient mare Venus.

 24/10/2019 Colt born 9 am,  Joel of GF
Kalanie of GF x Wybren 464, carried by  recipient mare Saphire

9/10/2019 Filly born 11 pm, Light the night of G.F.   SOLD
Kalanie of GF x Wybren 464  carried by recipient mare Eye for Fashion

02/10/2019 Colt born 3 am, Lorenzo of G.F. 
Kalanie of GF x Wimer 461  carried by recipient mare Pluto.


Ninthe fan e Boerestreek has arrived from Holand !! check out her page
Ninthe is in foal but her foal has already been

Floris is competing succesfully at Dressage level 4

Frozen semen page updated

2 Embryo Transfer foals have been secured, only 2 more available.

Our latest addition on its way from Holland, exciting times for breeding

2019 Foals Due, to secure please contact Marianne 0276836840 for more information
To keep up with demand for Quality Friesians, we have 4 succesfull EMBRYO Transfers.
Kalanie of GF x Wybren 464 into  recipient mare Saphire
Kalanie of GF x Wybren 464  into recipient mare Eye for Fashion
Kalanie of GF x Wimer 461   into recipient mare Pluto.
Tessa    of GF x Wimer 461   into a recipeient mare Veenus

2019 NZFHS Keuring Results:
Glenrose Harmonie of GF.
Received 1st Premie

Champion Junior
Overal 2019 Champion of the NZFHS Keuring.
We like to congratulate  Sarah and Brent Rolston.

G Harmonie is out of our beautifiul mare Renske v.d. Maria Louise Hoeve

Further results of horses owned by us:
Isabella of Glenrose Friesians, 2nd Premie
Champion Foal
Overal Reserve Champion 2019 NZFHS Keuring

Tessa of Glenrose Friesians, 2nd Premie Star
Reserve Campion Senior

Congratulations to the owners we have sold horses to, we love seeing you succeed:
Hades of Glenrose Friesians, 2nd Premie 
Reserve Champion Foal.
Owned by Monique de Villiers

Dawn of Glenrose Friesians. 2nd Premie
Reserve Champion Junior
Owned by Stella Hansen.

Zahra of Glenrose Friesians, 3rd Premie
owned by Linda and Richard Gowdy

Stara of Glenrose Friesians, 3rd Premie
owned by Baldeep Dhillon

Congratulations to all other people who participated.



 11/12/2018 Tanne Foaled and had the most georguous Filly by FLORIS, shes got the looks but her movement will be spectacular. Secure this filly with a deposit before Louis tells  me shes a keeper !!

09/12/2018  Bente Golda  foaled succesfully and had a stunning colt by TSJALLE 454 Sport.
HADES of Glenrose Friesians   (SOLD)

December 2018
To keep up with demand for Quality Friesians we are pleased to announce, we have 4 succesfull EMBRYO Transfers.
Kalanie of GF x Wybren 464 into a recipient mare.
Kalanie of GF x Wybren 464 into another recipient mare.
Kalanie of GF x Wimer 461 into recipient mare Pluto.
Tessa    of GF x Wimer 461  into a recipeient mare.

01/12/2018 ,  NZFHS Clinic on how to prepare for the Keuring ( Classification) with Hans Maes from Australia

November 2018,    Baldeep is succesfully competing Floris at level 3 this season

 November 2018,   Stara of Glenrose Friesians has started competing in dressage with Baldeep Dhillon and is consistently schoring well into the 60's

Equidays Nightshow 13th of October , Jolmer will be there !  

Changes for the 2018/2019 Breeding season
Jolmer and Floris will be available to breed to Purebred Friesian Mares only.
The only exception being if you are entitled to a return service.

By reducing our workload which means reducing the enormous amount of traveling that was involved last season, it allows us to continue to our focus on our own breeding program. Resulting on being able to offer the public Purebred Friesians for sale of the highest Quality and the latest bloodlines.

Renske v.d. Maria Louise Hoeve gave birth  to a Filly called Glenrose Harmonie  (SOLD)


For riders of all levels !!
The Social Club of the NZFHS has application forms for a National DRILL TEAM for Purebred Friesians and Friesian Cross Sport horses. We can get you a copy if you message us.

For riders of all levels !!
The Social Club of the NZFHS has application forms for a National DRILL TEAM for Purebred Friesians and Friesian Cross Sport horses. We can get you a copy if you message us.

You can become a friend of the NZFHS by becoming a Social member, details on the website of the NZFHS

Check it out  or have a look at the facebook page
New Zealand Friesian Horse Society - nzfhs

February: Jolmer fan Twillens was lucky enough to carry our daughter Melanie to the altar, led by dad.
The photo was placed on the KFPS facebook page and has gone viral in a good way.

February : Floris update, unfortunately Baldeep and Floris had to pull out of the Nationals competition due to Floris having a injury, we are hoping he will be all fine and ready to go for HOY.

We are proud to introduce our newly imported mare Renske v.d.Maria Louise Hoeve
She is in foal to 2017 and 2018 Champion stallion Jurre 495

We welcome Tanne Moeskaer, owned by stable 88, she will spend some time with us and is due to foal to Floris late2018

Mirthe has been sold, she will be able to enjoy her retirement from breeding in stunning Queenstown.

07/12/2017 Kalanie of Glenrose Friesians had a colt named D'Artagnan of Glenrose Friesians

Dont miss Jolmer fan Twillens and Floris performing at the EQUIMANA show at EQUITANA

BENTE had a colt.   
We have named him
DONOVAN of GLenrose Friesians

 2017/2018 breeding contract can be downloaded from this website

Floris and Jolmer will be performing during the Entertainment night at EQUITANA in Auckland

Sarah Rolston is back from America and ready to ride again after very succesful shoulder surgery.

Floris will be competing at Tielcey Park again this comming weekend.   17 June

2017/2018 breeding contract can be downloaded from this website

Aurora (Kalanie x Jolmer ) 2nd Premie, and RESERVE CHAMPION.
Bareka ( Mirthe x Floris ) 2nd Premie.
Jolmer and Floris received glowing reports, judges said we have 2 beautifull breeding stallions for New Zealand.

Stara (Mirthe x Jolmer ) owned by Baldeep Dhillon 3rd Premie studbook mare
Zahra ( Kalanie x Wylster ) owned by Linda Gowdy 3rd Premie.

Champion mare owned by Jan and Roelie de Jong is the daughter of , Bente Golda,  Star mare, who we recently purchased.


15/12/2016 Kalanie's Filly ( by Jolmer) has been named by the new owner as AURORA of Glenrose  Friesians.   Mirthe's filly (by Floris)   is named BAREKA of Glenrose Friesians.

06/12/2016 Both donated Stable of Stallion Services mares have been inseminated .
Both mares in foal. Congratulations, Aletta who's mare went to Jolmer and Bronwyns mare who after 2 Jolmer fillys has gone to Floris.

FLORIS/Baldeep will  be competing at the TAIHAPE Champs,  see you there.

05/12/2016  Kalanie of GF had a stunning filly by Jolmer fan Twillens

Helena of GF has been sold and will be based in the BoP.

Welcome to our team, Star mare BENTE GOLDA, confirmed in foal to Wybren 464

ATAAHUA of GF has been sold , Ate will be based in Auckland and will further his dressage career

Registry for Friesian cross Sporthorses : 

We have added an email 'Request Form' to the web site. Under the 'Team Glenrose' page.

Email Request Form

Stable of Stallion services to Floris and Jolmer have both been sold, we are one of the very few studs who have actually sold and donated the actually money of the service to Dressage New Zealand year after year, Very proud to report !

Sunday 3rd of  September
NI All Breed Stallion Parade
Floris, Jolmer and progeny will be present...



2019 Foals Due, to secure please contact Marianne 0276836840 for more information
To keep up with demand for Quality Friesians, we have 4 succesfull EMBRYO Transfers.
Kalanie of GF x Wybren 464 into  recipient mare Saphire
Kalanie of GF x Wybren 464  into recipient mare Eye for Fashion
Kalanie of GF x Wimer 461   into recipient mare Pluto.
Tessa    of GF x Wimer 461   into a recipeient mare Veenus

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